JEMS Optical LLC located in Washington, DC, proudly offers personalized vision services to keep your eyes healthy. Whether you need a contact lens fitting or an annual eye exam, our staff offers individualized eye care services for all of your eye needs.
Annual Eye Exams
Getting an annual eye exam keeps your eyes healthy. They not only help to correct any vision problems you may have, but they also reveal any warning signs of more serious problems. Our general eye exams include testing for various eye diseases, such as glaucoma. When you come to JEMS Optical for an annual eye exam, we determine whether you need to wear eyeglasses if you do not already.
Fast Emergency Service & Repairs
Glasses break. Whether you have lost a screw or broke a bridge, come to the eye care specialists at JEMS Optical. Our staff will fit you in for a same-day emergency appointment to help you solve the problem.
Contact Lenses
JEMS Optical carries a number of contact lenses for your vision needs. Choose the best lenses that suit your eyes, including:
- Contact Lens Fitting
- Multi-Focal
- Daily & Extended Wear
- Disposable Lenses
- Toric: Lenses For Correction Of An Astigmatism
- Gas Permeable Rigid Lenses
Custom Soft Lenses
Custom Soft lenses are contact lenses for people who are unable to find lenses that come in their prescription. These contact lenses are made to order, and are typically made for people with a very high prescription and/or hard to fit eyes.